Mahtomedi Soccer Scholarship Application
Through various fundraising events and several generous donors in our community, the Mahtomedi Soccer Association has special funds available to help kids that financially may not otherwise be able to play soccer. These scholarships are based on need and most often cover a portion of of the registration fee, although occasionally they are full scholarships.

In return for the scholarship, we ask that the parent/guardian be available to volunteer 4 hours for the club. There are various ways to volunteer, and someone will be in touch with opportunities as they arise.

Steps for requesting a scholarship:

Fill out the scholarship application below before you register your player. Discount codes cannot be applied after the registration is complete.  There are no exceptions.
Once the application is submitted, it will be reviewed. You will be contacted about your scholarship once it has been approved or denied.
If approved, you will be provided with a discount code to enter in at the final step in your registration. You will then be responsible for the balance of your registration fee online.
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Player's Full Name *
Player's Birthdate *
Player's Gender *
Player's Street Address *
Player's City *
Players State
Player's Zip Code *
Parent Name *
Parent Phone Number *
Parent Email *
What is the total yearly gross income (before taxes) that parents within the home earn? *
How many children, including the player, live in this home? *
Please give a brief explanation of why paying for registration is difficult at this time and why your player should receive a scholarship. *
By answering YES to this question you agree to sign up to volunteer for a minimum of 4 hours during the summer and/or fall season. *
By answering YES to this question you acknowledge that all statements made in this application are true or believed to be true. *
Today's date *
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