*COVER ARTIST* Gakucollab 2024 Survey/Interest Check

*This form is only for those interested in making covers of songs using the Vocaloid software. You can find the visual artist form here. You may fill out both forms if you are interested in contributing as a cover artist AND a visual artist.*

Gakucollab 2024 is coming up and we’d like your feedback! In addition to the regular art collab, we’re looking into opportunities for cover artists to participate this year.

We’re currently deciding between two ideas:

  1. Playlist of covers, each with corresponding art. Each cover artist would make their own cover, and interested visual artists would be paired up to make an art piece for each one. The covers and art would be compiled into a video posted to the collab’s Youtube channel.
  2. One cover with PV remake. Only one song would be covered, and cover artists would each get a section of the song to tune. Visual artists would create different parts of a music video.

Keep in mind that the regular collab, where artists each draw their own piece to be compiled at the end, will always be an option, separate from anything extra we may do. If you aren’t interested in either idea, you will still be able to participate as usual.

The idea we go with will depend both on votes, and the number of cover/visual artists interested.

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Which of these would you be interested in participating in? *
Anything else you'd like to tell us?
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