Request for Puppy and Manners/Obedience Training
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Please review ALL Private Session Policy and FAQ prior to completing this intake form. This can be found linked on the Private Session webpage.
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"I have read, understand and will abide by all Private Session policies and FAQ." *
The client understands that dog training services and activities are not without risk to themselves, dogs, property or other people. The client expressly assumes the risk of any damage or injury incurred to any person, animal or property as a result of a dog training session conducted by or on behalf of Scratch and Sniff Canine Services. The client agrees to absolve and hold harmless Scratch and Sniff Canine Services, Emily Fisher, and any other parties associated with any service provided. The client agrees to make known any and all training, behavioural and health problems or concerns at the time of registration and agree to assume all responsibility for the actions of their dog(s) at the time of service and in future. The client agrees to abide by all COVID-19 safety protocols. Scratch and Sniff Canine Services is not responsible for any injury to or destruction of any person, animal or property at the time of service or in future. The client understands that Scratch and Sniff Canine Services will make no guarantee of results of the training services provided and agrees to pay all fees at the time requested.Full service policy can be found on the website at In submitting payment, the client agrees that they have read, fully understand and consent to all content of this policy and waiver. These policies are subject to change without notice. *
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