Registering Interest in FLL (with STEAM Engine)
If your child is looking for a team, please fill in this form so that we may connect you with other children looking to form a private team.

Each team requires a min. of 2 students and a maximum of 5 students.

FIRST® LEGO® League  Explore: 6 - 9 years old
FIRST® LEGO® League  Challenge: 9 - 16 years old

For more information on the competition itself, please go to:

For STEAM Engine-run FIRST LEGO League Competition Training Packages:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Child's Name *
You may use a nickname or short name for now.
Child's Age
Please indicate the actual age of your child in Mar 2024. Your child will need to be within the correct age range for the category they would like to participate in.
Parent's Name *
You may use a nickname or short name for now.
Parent's Contact Email *
Parent's Contact Number *
Which area of Singapore do you live in? *
North/ North-east/ East/ South/ South-west/ West/ North-west/ North/ Central. This information allows us to pair you with teammates who might live close to you so as to facilitate convenient face-to-face sessions as much as possible.
Which day(s) of the week would you be able to commit to 1-2hr weekly trainings?
Which day(s) of the week would you prefer for 1-2hr weekly trainings? *
Which time slot(s) of the week do you prefer for 1-2hr weekly trainings? *
We will try our very best to form you a team with compatible members. However, if there are not enough students to form a team, we will inform you by mid-Dec. We encourage siblings, cousins and friends to join  FIRST® LEGO® League   together as an educational and bonding experience!

Submitting this form does not mean you have already registered for the competition. No payment is required to submit this form.
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