CryptoBakery Referral form
Are you tired of your old phone? Now you have a chance to win new iPhone 14 just by filling out this form. The best part? This campaign is available even for people who already have a Bybit account.
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iPhone 14 Giveaway Participation Form

Campaign duration: 4 May 2023 - 5 June 2023

In order to qualify, please complete all of the steps shown below

Do you already have a Bybit account? No worries. You can still participate (if you haven't created your account via affiliate link). Just fill out the details below.

Step 2: Have at least $100 in your Bybit account by 4th of June

Step 3: Complete this form before the end of the campaign period
1. What is your Bybit user ID? 
(you can find your ID in the "Account and Security" tab)
2. What is your Bybit trading account email address?  *

  1. Only users that are direct, not tagged to any referral code will be move.
  2. Users who are didn't create their Bybit account with affiliate link (when they submit this form they will be manually shifted under "Cryptobakery" referral link).
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