What is a Scratch in Pool?
The Definition of A Scratch In Pool

When playing pool, it is important to know the difference between a legal and an illegal scratch. A scratch is broadly defined as a cue ball driven off the table or pocketed for most of the game. If the cue ball and the 8 ball are both pocketed or driven off the table during a legal 8 ball shot, it results in the forfeit of the game to the opposing player.

A scratch occurs if one or more balls are pocketed in the same shot that results in the cue ball being pocketed. The object balls remain in the pockets and the cue ball is replaced on the table according to the rules of the particular game.

A table scratch is the term for various fouls that occur without the cue-ball being pocketed or driven off the table. If the player fails to contact an object ball with the cue-ball, it's considered a table scratch. A table scratch also occurs when the player fails to drive the legal object ball to a cushion or pocket.

A table scratch is the term for various fouls that occur without the cue-ball being pocketed or driven off the table. If the player fails to contact an object ball with the cue-ball, it's considered a table scratch. A table scratch also occurs when the player fails to drive the legal object ball to a cushion or pocket.
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