Application for Consideration for the Board of Directors of the Panida Theater
The Panida is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, thank you for your interest in the Panida Theater.

Our Mission/Vision Statement
  • The MISSION of the Panida Theater is: To share and protect the historical integrity of the Panida Theater as a center of entertainment, education and community involvement.
  • The VISION is: The Historic Panida Theater seeks to preserve, protect and provide a venue to enrich the community culturally and economically. 
  • The VALUES are: Historic Preservation, Inclusivity, Collaboration, Diversity, Education and Economic Stability.
Our board meetings are generally once a month and each board member must serve on a committee. We are a working board and so there are times where extra help at the theater is needed. Here is a copy of our bylaws, if you have any questions please let us know. 

Following your application submission we will have a meeting with you to answer any questions.  

Thank you again for your interest and we look forward to meeting with you. 

By your electronic submission of this form, I attest that all the information contained in this application is accurate, complete, and true. I understand and accept that electronic submission will be considered equivalent to an original hand written signature on a paper copy of the application. I understand this is not an automatic acceptance to the board of directors. 

For more info please contact
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Email *
Full Name

Phone Number
How long have you lived in the area?
Relevant Work Experience: (Please list your current job position and any career experience you have along with any skills that may be helpful to the Panida.)
Volunteer/Community Experience: (Please list other boards or committees that you serve on, or have served on (business, civic, community, fraternal, political, professional, recreational, religious, or social). List: Role, Name of Organization, Location and Dates in which you served the Organization)
History with the Panida
How do you feel the Panida Theater would benefit from your involvement on the Board?
Any additional comments:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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