PAC/Park Affiliation Group Solidarity Letter in Support of Chicago Park District Workers 

Dear Superintendent & CEO Rosa Escareño and Board of Commissioners, 

We write to express our solidarity with Chicago Park District workers represented by SEIU Local 73 who are fighting for their livelihoods, our parks, and our communities. 

As Park Advisory Council and park affiliation group members, we understand very well how much our community relies on our park system, for so many reasons including recreation, fitness, senior programs, childcare, and violence prevention. We value the employees on the ground who make this possible: our recreation programming staff, lifeguards, park supervisors, attendants, landscapers, special recreation staff, and security officers. And yet, even as we see staffing shortages affecting these positions, we are disappointed that the Park District has continued to push back on the proposals these workers have made to improve recruitment and retention of quality staff. 

Our parks should be a place where community members feel welcomed, safe and proud. At some of our parks, the conditions have worsened due to the lack of investment by the District. We want our parks to be clean, protected, and fully staffed with the most dedicated, talented staff possible. We urge the Chicago Park District to provide competitive pay rates for our Park District workers, increased full-time opportunities, a more transparent and accountable promotions process, expand access to health insurance, and improve security staffing.   

By supporting the workers who help run the programs children use, the pools and beaches people relax in, and more, the District has a unique opportunity to better the experience of our parks for all who use them. We support these workers, and we hope you will too.


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