Pre-registration for Academic Programmes in Climate Change (IPI, UKM)
The Institute of Climate Change (IPI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) delightfully offers a range of academic programmes.  These program aims to improve the knowledge related to climate change by combining theoretical, practical, and latest applications in climate change mitigation. 

The pre-registration is now open for:
1) PhD in Climate Change (research mode) - all year round
2) Master in Climate Change (research mode) - all year round
3) Master in Climate Change (coursework mode) March/April 2023 semester enrollment

Please note that the pre-registration is not the official registration but only serve as an expression of interest. We welcome any enquiries regarding the academic program. Our personnel will get back to you on your enquiries and keep you updated on the programs. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
1. Name *
2. Email *
3. Affiliation *
4. Nationality
Clear selection
5. Which IPI academic program are you interested to join in Mar/April 2023? *
6. Please rate the features about the program
(5: Extremely satisfied, 1: Not at all satisfied)
Not sure
Course Content
Course Mode: Full Time
Tuition Fees
Admission requirement
6a. Tell us more on your choices especially rate: 1-2 and "Not sure" in Question 6 (if any)
7. Where did you obtain the information on the new program? *
8. Enter others enquiry and questions (if any):
The secretariat will get back to you via email. 
Download link for the PhD/MSc program (research) program brochure: 

Download link for the Master program (coursework) brochure: 
Contact us:
We welcome any enquiries on the Master program. 
Please feel free to email us at or call us at +603-8911 8484 (working hours) for prompt response. 
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