Digital Program Request
As we continue to implement our one2one initiative, we are always looking for new programs and resources to support our blended classrooms.  Please complete the Digital Program Request Form to indicate your interest in a digital program. The Instructional Technology and Teaching and Learning departments will evaluate the program or digital tool to determine if it is something we can look to purchase.  

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to working with you.
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Email *
Name *
Grade *
Subject Area Taught *
Building *
What is the title of the program or resource? *
What is the web address of the program or resource? *
Does the program or resource work with Chromebooks? *
Does the program or resource sync with Google? *
Can students access the program through their Google account?  Can students save their work in Google Drive?
Do students need to be rostered into the program? *
What is the purpose of the program or resource? *
Please provide a summary of the purpose of the program and why we need it.
Thinking about the purpose, what data needs to be collected to demonstrate whether or not this resource successfully meets this goal. *
How does this program or resource support differentiation? *
How does this program or resource relate to your standards and Building Goals? *
How do you intend to use the program or resource in your classroom? *
Does PLSD already have a program providing similar functionality?   *
If so, please provide the name of the program and why it does not meet your needs.  
What funding is being proposed to purchase and maintain the program? *
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