We understand that your student will not be attending school today. Please fill out this questionnaire to help us better understand your student's absence.

If more than one of your children are absent, please complete a form for each child.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child's health, please email our school nurse, Natalie Hall at . She will also follow up, when needed, via email due to your responses in the questionnaire. Thank you.
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Parent name (first and last) *
Parent Email Address *
Parent Phone Number *
Student Name (first and last) *
Homeroom Teacher *
Grade Level *
Date(s) of Student's Absence *
Please clarify the reasons for your student's absence. (Check all that apply.) *
To help us better understand your student's illness, please check all of the following symptoms that apply... *
Please note any additional information you would like to share in regards to your student's absence: *
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