Internet Access during COVID-19
We plan to make sure that Comcast and other internet service providers (ISPs) are fulfilling their promises to expand internet access during the coronavirus crisis. Please fill out our survey if you’ve been struggling to get or stay online. Together, we will make sure that ISPs are accountable to our communities during this time when connection is life or death.

If you know someone who has a story but is unable to access this survey, please direct them to call us at 215-239-3050

This survey is created and managed by Movement Alliance Project.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address
Phone Number *
Do you live in Philadelphia? *
If you don't live in Philadelphia, where do you live?
Does someone in your household attend a Philadelphia public school?
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What issues have you encountered? *
Tell us your story.
Do you want us to keep your name anonymous?
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Are you willing to share your story to the press or in an online organizing petition/campaign?
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Anything else we should know?
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This form was created inside of Movement Alliance Project.

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