Earthcare Mini-Grant Application
The purpose of our mini-grant program is to provide spiritual and material support to those engaged in the compelling task of transforming our relationship with Earth, including addressing the climate crisis:
             By learning to be patterns and examples of living in right relationship with all Creation, recognizing that the entire world is interconnected and is a manifestation of God.
             By promoting peace and justice while working to regenerate and heal Earth’s ecological integrity.

We strongly encourage projects which:
            Can inspire similar projects in other communities.
            Include action, education, and outreach.
            Seek leadership from: people Indigenous to the land, Black and Brown people, youth and young adults,
environmental justice communities, people in relevant sciences, and nature.
            Implement solutions to address root causes of climate chaos, such as those in Project Drawdown.

Earthcare mini-grants are supported by New York Yearly Meeting's Sharing Fund. Applications are discerned by a joint task group of NYYM's Earthcare Working Group (EWG) and Climate Justice Working Group (CJWG), both under the care of the NYYM Witness Coordinating Committee.

Grant requests are reviewed on a rolling basis.

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