Please note that if you have more than one student you will need to fill out an individual form for each student.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLYChanges may take up to 3 business days; beginning with the day after your form is submitted. You will be contacted if there are any questions and when your request has been completed or denied.Please note that although we can accommodate consistent schedules such as M-W-F one location and Tuesday - Thursday another location. Unfortunately we cannot accommodate 1 time change, 2 times monthly changes, temporary changes, or alternating changes. An example of an alternating changes is Monday - Wednesday - Friday at one location and Tuesday - Thursday at another location, with the following week being the opposite schedule and so forth. This includes students getting on and off the bus at any stop other than the one assigned to them.
**IMPORTANT** Only the parent/guardian is able to place a bus change request.