Adoption Application
Off the Rocks Animal Rescue is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of homeless cats through foster care, adoption placement, education, advocacy, and outreach. We specialize in improving the animal overpopulation issues of the United States Virgin Islands.
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Email *
Date of Application *
Name of Pet (if interested in specific listing)
Type of Pet *
Applicant Information
FULL Name *
Partner/Spouse FULL Name
Cell Phone Number (please include dashes e.g. xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Home Phone Number
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Age *
Are you employed? *
Name of Veterinarian (If you have not owned a pet recently please list the name of the veterinarian you used when you owned your last pet, or the veterinarian you are planning on using) *
Veterinarian Phone *
Please describe the pets you currently have (include species, name, age, up to date on vaccinations, spayed/neutered)
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