eDREAM Questionnaire - Innovative Business Models and Financial Mechanisms for new demand response technologies and service
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1. What is your background? *
2. How much did you find interesting our demo presentation? Please be honest. *
3. Would the presented solutions be interesting for you? Would you use and potentially buy any of our services? If so, which one? *
4. Do you know other similar solutions or services? If so, please briefly describe
5. In your opinion, what is the biggest barrier to buying/using our services right now? *
6. Rate, in your perspective, how innovative is the idea of "DR Aerial Survey Toolkit" for the estimation of the demand response potential of potential prosumers. *
7. Rate, in your perspective, how innovative are the eDREAM DR Flexibility services for prosumers and for aggregators. *
8. Rate, in your perspective, how innovative is the idea of "blockchain-based self-enforcing smart contract " for flexibility services and energy transactions management on LV grids and for the P2P energy trading. *
9. What do you think about the usage of the smart contracts as a baseline to leverage on for the implementation of a price-drive flexibility marketplace? *
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