GHMB  Transportation Form
Students are required by WCPSS to travel to competitions on the buses with the band. Students are expected to ride the bus home with the band. Students requesting an exception to riding the bus home with the band must submit this form at least two days prior to the date of travel.

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Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Section *
Grade *
Parent Last Name *
Parent First Name *
Parent E-mail *
Competition Location *
Competition Date *
Agreement *
I request that the student listed above, for whom I am the parent or legal guardian, be released to me at the end of the band competition above.  I understand that the end of the competition is when the students are boarding the bus to return home.  I also understand that my student and I are to check in with the lead chaperone before leaving the competition and that I must sign my student out by signing the bus roster.
Student Agreement *
I am a member of the  committee listed below:  
Work Responsibility *
My fellow committee member listed below has agreed to assume my responsibilities when the buses/trucks return to Green Hope.
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