Fear Circle Registration
Welcome and thank you for your Yes! to becoming intimate with your Fear so that you gain access to your Courage.

Fear is a rich terrain of Evolution. It enables you to be in the unknown and source from there. No matter how new or familiar you are with Fear - the terrain has something new to offer you, which is Magic!

This 4-week journey will take place online in a circle of Women in the gameworld of Radically Alive Women.

You will receive a zoom link and further details upon registration.
When: Sundays 5-7pm NZDT = 7-9 am CEST
Sessions: 11, 25 August & 1, 8 September 2024.
Note that there is no session on 18 August.

Prerequisite for participation: Have attended at least one Rage Club or Rage Circle.

Please fill out the below form and make payment of 80-160 (NZD/ USD / EUR, pay within that sliding scale in your home currency) into one of the following accounts:

Account holder: Julia Neumann
Reference: Fear Circle
NZD: 38-9020-0589060-01
EUR: IBAN BE38 9672 0640 7272, BIC TRWIBEB1XXX
If you would like to pay in another currency, please let me know.

This Fear Circle will use distinctions from Possibility Management.
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Email *
Have you participated in a Rage or Fear Club before? (Please specify) *
Phone number for Telegram
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