26th Annual San Diego Festival of Beer 2024 Brewery Reservation Form
Dear Craft Brewer:

Greetings from the San Diego Festival of Beer (SDFoB)!

We are excited to announce that the 26th Annual San Diego Festival of Beer (SDFoB) is back and will be held on Friday, Sept 20, 2024 at The Broadway Pier (in Downtown SD on the Bayfront) from 6 PM to 10 PM.  This year our theme is Back to the Beer (similiar to "Back to the Future" 1980's theme.)

This festival is San Diego’s Oldest Craft Beer Tasting event and is also the only 100% charity-benefiting beer tasting event in town.

The SDFoB is organized by the San Diego Professionals Against Cancer (SDPAC) which is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization, so 100% of the proceeds are donated to fight cancer!  Your product donation may be tax deductible. Please consult with your tax adviser.  Please learn more about us at www.sdpac.org  


The goal of the festival is to showcase craft beer in a festive atmosphere while raising funds for the fight against cancer. We anticipate about 2,000 guests and we hope you can join us for this year’s festival!

Information for Event:

TICKETS:  Tickets are $50 presale / $55 at the door and participants will have unlimited 2 ounce tastings.

KEGS - We ask for a minimum of two 15.5 gallon kegs.
BOTTLES - are allowed on a first come, first served basis (We only have a few slots available for security reasons.)
The more kegs you bring, the longer you can educate guests about your beer.  

- NOT provided.  We can give you the contact for the local company that work with other breweries.

TABLES/SPACE - One 3x6 ft table will be assigned to you at a specified location with priority given to those who signed up early and participate in our 1980s theme called "Back to the Beer" (similiar to Back to the Future.)  Please notify us if you require electrical power or have a larger display for accommodations.  Pop-up tents fitting around that space and are a great way to display your brewery’s name.  Indoor tents may have fire codes to leave the top material removed for fire sprinkler access.  

ICE - will be provided.

VOLUNTEERS to POUR - You will be provided with some ABC trained volunteers to pour your beer.  Brewery Reps are encouraged to mingle with guests to describe their products.  Reps CANNOT pour beer.

THEME- 1980s.  We encourage bringing 1980s deco and battery-powered decorative lights to spice up your booth and make it stand out more. 

SPONSORSHIP PASSES - You receive 3-4 passes that will be given to your rep or will be held at Will Call. It allows full access to the event including the Sponsorship Lounge area where food and beer will be available. Additional passes may be available if additional kegs will be provided.

PROMOTIONAL ITEMS - T-shirts, baseball caps, and items are allowed for sale or giveaway directly to festival guests.

Please join us by submitting the form below. If you have any questions or special needs beyond what's addressed, please contact our brewery coordinator:

For additional details and scenes from last year’s event, please check out our web site at www.sdbeerfest.org.  Thank you for your support of the 26th Annual San Diego Festival of Beer and San Diego Professionals Against Cancer!  We look forward to showcasing your products and working with you.

Your fun SDPAC Brewery Team
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Company Name *
This will appear on our website and in the program
Best contact phone # (Internal use only)
Point of Contact *
E-mail *
Mailing Address
We use this to send you your tax donation letter.
Web site
We will include this on our site.
Distributor in San Diego
If other than self.
Please list the beers you intend to bring (helps us promote you and the event more) *
This will appear on the web site, one beer per line below (Return/Enter should get you to a new line).
Jockey box/CO2 rental arrangements needed? *
Clips from the San Diego Festival of Beer
More testimony from the longest running San Diego Beer Festival!  Hosted by San Diego Professionals Against Cancer - 100% charity organization.
Taking up the Entire Broadway Pier (Inside and Out)
Guests enjoying their tasty tasters! 
Beautiful Downtown, San Diego
The Beautiful Boardway Pier and Port Pavilion on the BayFront
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