Social Media Internship
at Berwyn Area Local Businesses

We are looking for highly motivated and business savvy students that are eager to get real world job experience by assisting local businesses to create a digital footprint.  You will work closely with business owners and faculty to research, design and implement a digital marketing plan, including a web presence and social media platforms.  

Intern Responsibilities:

Meet with clients to understand specific business needs
Create a web page using a site template
Create and implement a social media marketing plan
Communicate with the business and faculty members overseeing the project on a regular basis
Educate the business owner on how to continue using these tools for their business

Intern Requirements:

Morton College student, preferably a BUS or OMT student
Eager to work with small businesses in the local community
Excellent Verbal and Written Communication Skills
Ability to multi task
Strong organizational skills
Some internet and social media experience
The ability to commit at least 2-4 hours a week to the internship

Students who successfully complete the program will receive $1,800 to go towards their Morton College tuition.
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Are you a current MC student? *
What made you interested in the Social Media Internship? *
When are you available to participate in the internship? Please write down all days and hours you are available. *
Number of years of experience on Social Media & platforms familiar with *
What website building/coding experience do you have (not necessary)? *
How have you used or worked with digital images before? If so please describe. *
Current GPA *
Describe your experience working with people? *
How do you get the customer what s/he wants? *
Languages Spoken *
Describe your career goals and aspirations *
How do you learn?  What’s your strategy for learning something new? *
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