NCSU Computer Science Posters & Pies RSVP
The public is cordially invited to attend the NC State Department of Computer Science Senior Design Center "Posters & Pies" event on Wednesday, December 4, 2024; 10:30 am - 1:00 pm.

Each of our Fall 2024 Senior Design teams will proudly show off project demonstrations and poster displays! 

The event will be held at the NCSU James B. Hunt Jr. Library.  Each student team will give a brief presentation of their Senior Design project in the Hunt Library Auditorium.  After the presentations, pizza and dessert pies will be served, and you can enjoy project demonstrations and poster displays in the Hunt Library IEI Duke Energy Hall.

Thank you to our partners for hosting this event: BCBS of NC as well as the Computer Science Department’s ePartners Program and the NC State Engineering Foundation.

For directions to the  James B. Hunt Jr. library & parking information, please go to:

If you will be able to attend, please complete the online form below by Monday, November 25.  If you have any questions or special needs, please contact Margaret Heil at 515-6020 or See Senior Design project list:
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