2018 Silicon Valley Bike Summit Awards Nomination Form
For the third year in a row, we are presenting awards for the following categories at the Silicon Valley Bike Summit on August 22 in San Jose. For more information, go here: https://bikesiliconvalley.org/summit/ Nominations will close May 31, 2018. We will then open up voting for the month of June based on the nominations that we've received.

• Person of the Year –volunteer; elected official; or city, county, or other agency staff whose efforts go above and beyond to ensure safe and comfortable bicycling.
• Project of the Year – bike lane (buffered, green, or protected), bike bridge, bike boulevard, bike box, bike parking, bike trail, etc. that brings more people on to bikes.
• Program of the Year – education and encouragement programs or bike plans that shift the needle to get more people on bikes.

Nominate your own favorite person, project, or program!

If you'd like to support a nomination for more than one category, you must make separate entries.

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Which category would you like to vote on or submit a nomination for? *
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