Become a ChaufHER Driver
You are about to take your first steps in becoming a ChaufHER Driver. We strive to create a community for our driving partners that is safe, flexible and supportive. Please fill out the information on the form below to take the first step in your ChaufHER journey.

"When women support each other incredible things happen"
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Before we get started, are you a woman?
Our service connects female passengers (boys under 16) with female drivers to create a safe and secure travel environment.
Welcome to ChaufHER. Please give us your full name.
Please note any details shared, are for the sole purpose of enabling us to contact you, and will not be shared to any third parties.
Nice to meet you! What email address should we use? *
What is your mobile phone number? *
Thank you. Do you live in one of these cities? *
Do you have a valid South African Driver's License? *
Do you have access to a vehicle? *
Do you have any of the following?
Thank you for your information. A member from the ChaufHER Onboarding Team will contact you. Alternatively feel free to WhatsApp/Call 0828756448
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