Farming Hope Advisory Council Interest Form


The Advisory Council is a diverse group of community members dedicated to creating awareness about food justice and assisting Farming Hope’s efforts to make our community a more equitable place with opportunities and nourishment for all.

Activities: Event Support, Fundraising, and Volunteerism. Some examples are listed below! 

  • Corporate giving and engagement 

  • Spreading awareness about Farming Hope  

  • Tues and Wed night community dinners and Friday grocery market support 

  • Alumni support (helping write business plans, cover letters, advice on navigating work situations) 

  • Engage with various constituents in our community: our volunteers, guests, donors, and our culinary job-trainee Apprentices

  • Work with our Board of Directors and Staff to develop, promote, and improve our volunteer opportunities and lead our community of volunteers

  • Support planning and volunteer staffing for Apprentice Dinners (quarterly dinner featuring Apprentice-designed menus)

  • Support planning and hosting quarterly Apprentice Graduations

  • Brainstorm and planning of pop-up Guest Chefs dinners, annual food waste fundraiser challenge, and other fundraising events  

  • Help us to grow and strengthen our employment partnerships to ensure our Apprentices have job opportunities when they graduate


  • Biannual meetings for the Advisory Council co-hosted by Farming Hope’s Board of Directors

    • Meetings will focus on organizing for upcoming projects and also offer an opportunity to learn more about Farming Hope leadership and governance

    • Additional meetings to be scheduled based on interest in different activities 

  • Advisory Council members are required to become Harvest Club level supporters, with a $1000 fundraising goal by year end. This can be an outright gift, company matching, or peer-to-peer fundraising. 

  • Leadership opportunities for committed council members 

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
SF Neighborhood or Bay Area City  *

Have you volunteered with Farming Hope? If not, that's ok! We're excited to welcome new folks.  *
Have you been to a Farming Hope event? If not, that's ok! We're excited to wow you in our space!  *
How did you hear about the Farming Hope Advisory Council?  *
What other nonprofit volunteer work have you done?  *
What are you most excited about for the Advisory Council? Check all that apply.  *
Is there anything else you would like us to know? 
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