Harrow Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commissioner - Application Form
Voluntary Action Harrow work with the community providing information, training and guidance.

The Harrow Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Commission is a platform where members of the Harrow community collaborate to devise proposals addressing the impact of inequalities on the wellbeing and life chances of its residents.

The commission aims to broadly reflect the diversity of Harrow being made up of people from diverse backgrounds and circumstances.

The voluntary role of Commissioners is to bring their expertise across the range of issues, by contributing to formal meetings, getting involved in fact-finding and engagement activity, and evidence gathering sessions.

To access the role description please visit - www.bit.ly/HEDICVAH

We want to ensure as wide a reach into the community as possible, so the deadline is 31st October 2024.
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Email *
Name *
What's your connection to Harrow?
Why are you interested in the role?
Tick all that apply.
What themes are you interested in?
Tick all that apply.
When are you likely to be available?
Tick all that apply.
Would you like to share any lived experience that you believe is important to identify in this application process?
Examples: lived experience of poverty, racial trauma, or other forms of prejudice or discrimination.
Do you have any conflicts of interest?
This could be your an employee, volunteer or trustee (e.g board member) of a local Voluntary & Community Sector group, NHS Service, or Public Authority (Harrow Council)? It might not be a conflict of interest, but it's good for us to know. 
Do you have accessibility needs?
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