LILAHH Stop & Shop Food Drive Volunteer Sign-Up
Please help us as a volunteer as we collect food to refill our pantry shelves & distribute to our neighbors in need.

Saturday, September 7th - Rocky Point STOP & SHOP

245 Rt. 25A, Rocky Point

3 volunteer shifts available:  9am - noon; noon - 3:00pm; 3:00pm-6:00pm

Type of help needed: Help us distribute information and collect and organize food donated by store patrons. Plan to be outside!

Community service hours available. *All volunteers must be at least 13 years old

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Your Name *
Your email address *
Your phone number *
If you are responding on behalf of a group, what is the name of the organization? *
9am - noon:  How many people in your family or group will volunteer with us?
Noon- 3:00pm.  How many people in your family or group will volunteer with us?
3:00pm - 6:00pm.  How many people in your family or group will volunteer with us?
Do you agree to allow LILAHH to publish any photo's taken during this event to our website, social media or other materials, for promotional purposes? *
Do you need community service hours for this event?  If so, you will be contacted after the event to confirm the number of hours. *
If  you are not able to make the date and time you signed up for, please call our office at 631-849-3653 or email

Long Island Lending a Helping Hand  |
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