Minnesota STEM Day at the Capitol

Exhibitor Request/Registration

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Minnesota STEM Day at the Capitol

Date: January 31, 2025

Time: 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm

LocationMinnesota State Capitol (Rotunda and L'Etoile du Nord Vault), 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard., St Paul, MN 55155 

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, but represents so much more! STEM is a way of thinking and knowing that covers a broad range of disciplines! STEM goes beyond the obvious — direct sciences and mathematics, and applied sciences like agriculture, natural resources, computer science, health care and engineering — to also encompass everyday science and engineering tasks like cooking and car repair. STEM is everywhere!

Our goal is to highlight the innovative Minnesota STEM programs we have across Minnesota for policymakers and other stakeholders.  

 Priority will be given to organizations which meet the following criteria:
1. Organizations and educational programs whose foundation are based in STEM.
2. Organizations which pursue an equity-centered STEM programming focus.
3. Organizations that provide a hands-on, STEM-based youth programming, STEM education and/or workforce development.
4. Organizations that prioritize community and youth engagement in STEM.

Applications are due December 23, 2024. Exhibitors will be notified January 3, 2025 of application acceptance.

We have two participation options available for you,  hosting a table OR presenting a project in the rotating STEM showcase. Note- if you elect to present a project, you will be assigned a 15 minute block of time in which to do so. This option is for student presentations ONLY and the student must be accompanied by an adult.

Please select from the following: 
Organization Name *
Your Name and Role within the Organization *
Email *
Mobile Phone Number (that may be contacted on the day of) *
Description of your Organization or Institution, please include how your organization interacts with young people and an estimate of how many young people you reach each year?
Organization's Website *
Exhibit Table or Project Presentation Description: Describe your planned table exhibit or your 10-15 minute project exhibition in 150 words or less. Please include whether the display is interactive and if youth or a student will be accompanying the display. *Note- if your describing a project exhibition, please detail the amount of time your student will need to set up and how long the presentation will be. Again- ONLY student presentations will be permitted.
Exhibit requirements:  Please indicate whether you need power and have other special needs related to your exhibit.  If no power is required please note that.
How many representatives will your organization have attending? *Note- there is a limit of 4. *
We will be creating an exhibit guide/program for legislators. If selected to participate, do you have a logo you would like to be shared in the guide? *
If you are unable to attend but would like to participate, do you have footage you would like to submit for a video?
Due to a large response in 2024, some exhibitors were asked to share tables in the Rotunda. We anticipate a similar response this year, are you willing/able to share a table in the Rotunda? Note- this may impact if your exhibit is in the Rotunda. *
When you submit this application, you agree to comply with all the rules and regulations associated with the Capitol. Thank you for being part of the Minnesota STEM Community! 
Applications are due December 23, 2024. Exhibitors will be notified January 3, 2025 of application acceptance.
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