Seeking volunteers: next phase of Angel Babies!

Building on the success of our Angel Babies events, North Brooklyn Angels is launching a new, year-round program that connects families in need with essential baby and toddler gear and supplies. We need your help to make this possible!

As with any start up, we're in this structured learning curve together! Take some time to tell us just a little bit about yourself, and fill out what roles you'd be interested in learning more about!

Once we get a decent number of responses for each role, we'll schedule a "deep dive" session in the next few weeks* for each to shape up next steps! 

*Opening up this survey for responses on Monday, August 12, 2024!

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Email *
What is your name? *
Have you volunteered with North Brooklyn Angels before? If so, when and where? If not, how did you hear about us? *
Where do you live? No address needed, but helpful to know area and maybe cross streets (ie., on Kent Street in Greenpoint, South 5th in Williamsburg) *
Do you have a car?
What does your availability look like? This helps inform us what the best pick up and drop off times work best with volunteers' availabilities!
Which role(s) are you interested in? *
Are you interested in being a part of a subcommittee to do a deep dive on coordinating the role(s) you're interested in?
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If you're not already: we send bi-weekly emails to volunteers who are interested in keeping a closer pulse on updates. Would you like to opt into this email distribution list? You can also always follow us on instagram (@northbrooklynangels)!
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Thanks for taking the time! Anything else you'd like us to know?
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