Web Development Demo Day at NSS 1/10/2025
Join us for our FIRST Demo Day of 2025!

Are you a prospective student? Please join us for an info session instead. Our graduates have a limited amount of time to meet with employers during Demo Day.

The students of  E26 (Full-Stack C#/.NET) are in their final days and working hard on their capstones! On January 10th from 8am-11:30am, you can meet our latest graduates in 20-minute, 1-on-1 virtual meetings focused on the applications they built and questions you may have for them.

To schedule your conversations, please RSVP using the form below. Our RSVP form includes all the information we need to schedule your conversations.

We invite you to learn about these graduates through their class website: 

Cohort E26 Class Website

We can't wait for you to meet these graduates!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Job title
Company / Organization

Best phone number to reach you

Please tell us what time window you're available on Demo Day. (e.g. 8-10am, 8:20-11:40 or whatever works for you)
Will anyone else from your team be joining you? If so, please list their name and email here: 
Are you interested in speaking with specific students? *
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