Friends of the Arts Summer Scholarship Application
Friends of the Arts Summer Scholarship Application
Email *
Full Name (Your name will not be visible to judges) *
Pronouns *
Current Grade *
Your home address (if you have multiple residences, pick where you live most of the time) *
Parent or guardian full name (only one name needed)
Parent or guardian full name (only one name needed)
Please share some of your general activities in or outside school (clubs, volunteering, sports, theater/arts, work, religious, family, or other activities and responsibilities). This can be a list!
Name of summer program or activity *
Physical address of the program you would like to attend
Program website *
Please describe the program or activity in two or three sentences. Include dates and other details.
In what areas do you feel you can grow if you participate in this program or activity? What do you hope to learn? How would it affect the rest of your time at Mount Greylock and maybe even your future plans? (300 words max)
Expenses—Please itemize the entire cost of the activity, from the travel to the materials needed. This is not necessarily the amount that you are requesting (see next question!).   For example: (1) Camp fee for one week: $510; (2) Materials for camp: $55; (3) Drive to-from Troy, NY: $100; Total: $665
Amount requested for this application:
Will you receive any funds from other sources to support your participation, including your own fundraising? If so, please describe. For example: (1) Parents will contribute $100; (2) I will contribute $100 from my summer job; (3) I have a $100 scholarship from a music award.
How would you benefit from this scholarship?
You can explain why you need it or what this funding would provide. (200 words max)
If you do not receive the full amount you are requesting, will you still be able to participate in some way? Have you considered how else you might raise funds? (200 words max)
How would you like to share what you learned with the MGRS community? *
If you responded "other" to the previous question, please explain below. *
Please provide the name and email for 1-3 art teachers or mentors who would be able to speak to your artistic interests. They do not need to be Mount Greylock teachers.  *
OPTIONAL: Provide a link below to any examples of your art you would like to share. 
I understand that if I am unable to attend to attend the summer program, I will refund any scholarship funds I have received.

I have read the above requirement and agree to refund any funds that might not be used in my summer activity.
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