Strategic Plan Consultation 2023 

Current and potential families, community members. 

2023 is an exciting year and the Ngatapa School Board wants your input into how we go forward together in the future. 

We have some questions below that will guide our strategic direction from 2024. 

You are welcome to write or email your answers. All families of current students will be asked to respond. A Board member will follow up with any families we have not heard from. Community members are able to email to

Email *
What does Ngatapa School do well?
What can Ngatapa School do better?
What do you see as an immediate focus for us to consider? (over the next 2 years?)
What qualities in attributes do you want our students to possess as they graduate from Ngatapa School?
What values are important for your family?
We thank you for your time. It is important we consider all of our stakeholders as we move forward.


Ngatapa School Board

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