Science City 2019 - Volunteer Sign-up
Science City 2019 Volunteer Information Form
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First & Last Name *
Phone Number *
Volunteer Orientations
Volunteer Orientations are meant to orient you to the roles and expectations of what to expect the weekend of the festival.

No more volunteer orientations will be held for Science City 2019, but we still encourage you to volunteer with Science City!
Please indicate below a time preference to have a 15-20 phone call to review the material discussed during the Science City Volunteer Orientation. I will be calling the phone number provided in the volunteer form. Calls will be made Monday, Feb 25, 2019 - Friday, March 1, 2019
Please call me during the following time slots, for the volunteer orientation materials review: *
Science City Volunteer Job(s)
Science City Volunteers assist the tent participant volunteers by working in the VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN area, assist Science City guests in the VISITOR CENTER, or serve as an essential role by electing to be a "SURPRISE ME" volunteer and assisting where ever needed!
We appreciate your all of your help and could not make Science City the success that it is!
We kindly ask that you DO NOT select more then TWO shifts per day.
Science City VISITOR CENTER Volunteers
Visitor Center Volunteers welcome visitors and help them have the best possible experience while visiting Science City!

The Science City Visitor Center will be the “Go-To Place” for visitors to find out what’s happening and when in Science City.

Share information about the activities in each tent as well as the schedule for shows on the Main Stage and presentations in the Science Café. The Visitor Center will also be the hub for visitors to learn about the Science open houses and tours happening across campus.  
Visitor Center
Science City VOLUNTEER CHECK-IN Volunteers
Provide assistance and direction to Science City volunteers checking in for their shift. Responsibilities include ensuring all volunteers sign-in and receive their festival t-shirt, answer questions, direct volunteers to their posts, keep volunteer snacks and water stocked, problem solve and trouble-shoot as needed.
Volunteer Check-in
Science City PASSPORT PARTNER Volunteers
Passport Partners will be tasked with embossing guests passports by verifying that the Science City guests have engaged in tent activities by either posting on social media, taking pictures of themselves doing the activity, or having a conversation about the activity with the Passport Partner.
Passport Partner Volunteers
By checking the box, you are providing permission for me to call you, at the number and time frame listed above, to review the Science City material. *
If you are under the age of 18, please complete the Science City 2019 - Volunteer Permission Form for Minors
THANK YOU! We could not do this without you!
Samantha Pierce
Science City Volunteer Coordinator and Science City Visitor Center Tent Manager
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