Provo CAPS Student Application 2025-26
Students who will be a junior or senior during the 2025-26 academic school year are encouraged to apply to Provo CAPS (Center for Advanced Professional Studies). To apply, complete this form and click "Submit" then talk with your counselor about your schedule.  If you are going to be a 9th or 10th grader, still fill out this application and we will send you information about the CAPS program.

CAPS is a two-period class, taken the last two periods of the same day. It can be taken one or two semesters, and students are allowed to take different courses (i.e. a student can take Engineering one semester and Medicine and Health Science the next semester).
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First Name *
Last Name *
Student ID *
Student Email address *
Student Phone number *
Parent Phone number *
Parent Email address *
Mailing address *
Polo shirt size *
What grade level will you be in for the 2025-26 school year? *
What high school do you attend? *
Which CAPS Strand would be your 1st choice? *
Which CAPS Strand would be your 2nd choice? *
How many semesters do you plan on taking CAPS? *
Do you have a preference on which semester you will have CAPS? *
How did you hear about the CAPS program? *
What do you hope to gain from the Provo CAPS program? *
What are your career goals and aspirations? *
In the strand you selected as 1st choice, what specific types of projects are you interested in? *
To help us find a project that would be a good fit for your interests and passions, please describe any previous work or school experiences you have had. *
Additional comments or questions
If you were referred by a current CAPS students, please add their name here.
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