Cook With Your Kids Club Registration Form Summer Term 2024
Cook With Your Kids Club is open to all children from Reception to Year 6. Why not come along and create some delicious dishes with your child? Parents can attend with up to two of their children at a time.
Recipe cards and ingredients will be provided free of charge. 
Below are a list of dates along with the meals that you could create here in our very own cookery suite. Simply select the dates you'd like to attend and we'll ensure that we have enough ingredients for everyone. 
*If you sign up for a date but can no longer attend, we will need at least 1 weeks notice. Failure to do this may result in us needing to charge for the ingredients.   
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Child's Class *
Dates and Recipes. 
Please select the dates you would like to attend. 
Food allergies/dietary requirements/Medical Information/Medication (leave blank if none) *
At some of our clubs, we may do some food tasting or give the children a snack. Also, it is important for club leaders to be aware of any health-related issues.
Parent's Forename *
Parent's Surname *
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