Love Outside Team (LOT) Application - by Town Hall Outdoor Co
Do you love spending time outside?  Loving Outside can range from stomping in puddles, ripping waist deep powder on skis, filling your pocket with collected magical rocks, or summiting high alpine peaks. We are looking for a few adventurous kids who Love Outside to step deeper into the Town Hall community and partner up as a brand ambassador. Fill out the application below, if you are interested!

When the application period ends, we will announce the new LOT members by email. Must be a US resident to apply.
*By responding to this survey, all emails entered agree to receive announcements and news from Town Hall Outdoor Co.
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Parent/Guardian's Name
Child's Name
Child's Age
Parent/Guardian's email address
Child's email address
How do you share your adventures? What is your Instagram handle?
Facebook handle?
TikTok, Pinterest or Other?
How do you (your child) Love Outside? *
What is your (your child's) hometown? *
How do you (your child) build and give back to your community? *
Why would you (your child) like to be in the LOT? *
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