IGPA Musical Waiver 
We are committed to providing a safe place for our participants, their families, volunteers and facility staff .
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I hereby give permission for my child named above to participate in Ingrid Green Performing Arts (IGPA) Summer Musical. I fully understand and accept any physical risks that may exist by my child's participation in the program.
I agree to be fully responsible for my child's participation in this program and that my child must obey all rules and requirements governing conduct during the program.  It is understood that if my child is determined to be in violation of any rules and/or requirements, my child may be removed from the program with no refunds. 
I understand that I have an obligation to keep my child home if they have any COVID-19 symptoms.  I understand that it is the recommendation for vulnerable individuals not to participate.  I further understand it is my responsibility to contact the program director if my child or a member of our household test positive for COVID-19
I hereby release and fully discharge Ingrid Green Performing Arts and any volunteers from any and all liability arising out of or in connection with my child's participation in the above described program. Liability means all claims, demands, losses, causes of action, suits, or judgements of any and every kind that I, my child, heirs, executors, administrators or assignees may have against IGPA because of any death, personal injury or illness, or because of any loss or damage to property, that arises out of or occurs during my child's participation in the above referenced program
I further agree that the foregoing release and waiver of liability is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of California, and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the remaining terms of this release and waiver of liability shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.  I have read, fully understand and agree to all terms of this waiver.
PARENT SIGNATURE:   I understand that typing in my name below constitutes a legal signature confirming that my child and I are fully aware of all expectations. I hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms stated on this waiver.
Date  *
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