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Change Request Form -- KLC Scholastic Swiss
Use this for if you wish to make any chances in your existing registration.
Tournament Details --
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This form may be used for:
Update registration details (name, USCF ID, etc)
Late arrivals
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Player's Full Name
Your answer
Parent's Full Name (who is submitting the form)
Your answer
Parent Phone Number
Your answer
I would like to
Update player's name
Update player's USCF ID
Request a bye
Withdraw from the tournament
My child's name is spelled incorrectly. Please update to the following:
Your answer
My child's USCF ID is incorrect. Please update to the following:
Option 1
Clear selection
I'd like to request bye(s) for the following rounds. Please note that only 1 half-point bye is available for any tournament.
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
We can't make it to the tournament. Please withdraw us. Please list the player's name.
Your answer
Any other questions or information you'd like to share?
Your answer
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