The LupieGirl, Inc. Survivor's Circle IS BACK!!
The Survivor's Circle is a monthly support group for individuals living with Lupus and other chronic illnesses. Information will be shared about the common side effects and complications,  inspiration from survivors, various tips, and group activities to support mental and physical health. 
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Can you provide your first and last name? *
Please provide your email address:
(We will use this email to communicate with you) 
Please provide phone number:
(We will use this phone number to communicate with you)
How do you prefer to be contacted?
Are you able to attend the Survivor's Circle on SATURDAY AUGUST 10, 2024 from 10AM-1PM?
Are you living with Lupus? 
(You must be diagnosed with Lupus from medical physician)
Do you have any food allergies?
What city do you live in? 
How did you hear about this event?
Is there something in particular that you would like to discuss?  *
Do you wish to sign up for LupieGirl emails to remain updated with information and other upcoming events?  *
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