MeeraPuppins Puppy Training Consultation Form
Hello! Welcome to Meera Puppins Puppy Training.

To help me help you, I gotta ask you some questions about you and your puppy.
Don't worry, this isn't going to get weird or overly personal.

Please answer my questions honestly, and in as much detail as you can.

Raising, training or socialising your puppy can absolutely feel like dragging yourself out of bed after a night out in Sheffield.
You may experience a terrible headache, a deep sense of regret, feel a bit sick, ask yourself "why" a lot, and potentially even start a petty fight (or series of petty fights) with your significant other / friends / family.

This is normal, and I'm not going to shame or judge you for it.

This form should take you around 15 minutes to fill out  - if it doesn't, don't press send.
Instead, scroll back up to the top and see if you can flesh out your answers a bit more.
The more you can tell me now, the less questions I'll ask you later.

P.S. Please note your email will be added to my mailing list. This means you will get emails from me. 
You can unsubscribe at any time, I'll try not to take it personally.

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Email *
Please tell me your full name *
Which service(s) are you enquiring about? *
Please enter the first line of your address & postcode
I need this information for in-person training sessions, and also to send you an information / welcome pack in the post - cause who doesn't love receiving exciting new puppy things?!
Your Puppy and You
What is your puppy's name? *
What is your puppy's date of birth? *
What breed is your puppy, and why did you choose this particular breed? *
How long has your puppy been home with you for? *
What is your puppy's vaccination status? *
Are you a first time puppy owner? *
Has your puppy been neutered (boy) or spayed (girl)? *
Where did you home your puppy from? *
Imagine you're at a party, what's a story / joke / funny quirk you would share about your puppy that has everyone laughing? *
Do you have any other pets in the household?
If yes, please let me know:
- Which other pets you have (i.e. cat, dog, rabbit)
- How old they are
- Whether they are a rescue / from a breeder
- How you would describe the relationship between your puppy and your other pet(s)
Your Puppy's Diet & Health
What brand(s) of food do you currently feed your puppy? (diet and behaviour are interlinked) *
How many times a day do you feed your puppy? *
Does your puppy eat their poo, or other animals' poo?
*don't be alarmed, this is a behaviour called coprophagia, my first dog did it too, so please don't feel judged or worried!
Does your puppy have loose or watery bowel movements? *
Has your puppy ever had blood in their bowel movements? *
Does your puppy have any known health problems? *
On average, how many hours a day does your puppy sleep? *
On average, how many times a day is your puppy's sleep disturbed? i.e. by household noises, visitors arriving. *
Does your puppy have any known allergies?
Signs of allergies include redness, soreness, excessive licking or chewing of limbs/body/fur
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your puppy's health? *
Your Puppy's Behaviour
Other people (strangers / friends / family) often think they know everything about your puppy and could easily fix the problems you're having.
How would you describe the hardest challenges you're facing with your puppy, and prove them wrong?
Does your puppy ever wee or poo inside your home? *
Does your puppy show any guarding behaviours around their toys, their food, or any objects they've "found" and decided to keep? *
If you answered yes or sometimes to the previous question, please share some more information here.
Does your puppy jump up at visitors to your home? *
If you answered yes or sometimes to the previous question, please share some more information here.
Has your puppy ever nipped at, barked at, growled at or bitten a visitor to your home? *
If you answered yes or sometimes to the previous question, please share some more information here.
Does your puppy show any destructive behaviours at home? i.e. pulling apart their toys, chewing furniture etc. *
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your puppy's behaviour? *
Your Puppy's Training
What are you currently finding difficult with your puppy? *
How long have you been finding this difficult for? *
Have you already tried any training at home? If yes, please share what you have tried (no judgment, I only want to help you!) *
Is there anything that you're particularly worried about with regards to your puppy's training or socialisation? *
But it has its critics, right?
What (if anything) do you think you're doing wrong with your puppy, and why?
Please briefly explain how you would like me, Meera Puppins, to help you *
How did you hear about MeeraPuppins? *
Have you downloaded your free Sheffield Puppy Owners Survival Guide yet?
It will help you with your puppy's biting, jumping up and toilet training.
Thank you!
Thank you for filling out my consultation form.
If you have any questions, please email me to

Looking forward to speaking to you soon,

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