Welcome to Meera Puppins Puppy Training.
To help me help you, I gotta ask you some questions about you and your puppy.
Don't worry, this isn't going to get weird or overly personal.
Please answer my questions honestly, and in as much detail as you can.
Raising, training or socialising your puppy can absolutely feel like dragging yourself out of bed after a night out in Sheffield.
You may experience a terrible headache, a deep sense of regret, feel a bit sick, ask yourself "why" a lot, and potentially even start a petty fight (or series of petty fights) with your significant other / friends / family.
This is normal, and I'm not going to shame or judge you for it.
This form should take you around 15 minutes to fill out - if it doesn't, don't press send.
Instead, scroll back up to the top and see if you can flesh out your answers a bit more.
The more you can tell me now, the less questions I'll ask you later.
P.S. Please note your email will be added to my mailing list. This means you will get emails from me.
You can unsubscribe at any time, I'll try not to take it personally.