Instructional Software Approval Form
This form will be submitted to the Seaman USD 345 teaching and learning team.  Received forms will be added to the agenda for approval at the next teaching and learning meeting following the submission.  Notice of approval should be received within a month of submission.

Please submit any questions regarding the form and approval process to Megan Nussbaum,
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Staff member(s) submitting request: *
Building: *
Grade Level(s): *
Title of Software/Application: *
Company/Vendor Name:
Company/Vendor Website:
Materials Requested (check all that apply):
IMPORTANT: Please indicate your licensing needs
Number of Licenses/Items Requested *
Type of License *
Where will the licenses be installed? *
Provide further details about where to install the software (see previous question).
Will this be an annual subscription or one-time purchase? *
What will be the funding source for your purchase? *
What is the estimated cost for your purchase? *
Please describe the educational application and/or standards that will be met with this purchase. *
I would like to purchase this software for my school/classroom.  I understand that the software must be approved for curriculum application and compatibility with the district teaching and learning team.  I will not expect to purchase the software or have it installed on the network if it is not approved.
I have read and agree to the statement above. *
I have communicated with my principal/supervisor about this request and have their permission to submit for approval. *
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