Image above is the 2019 Olympic Team Trials at Texas A&M with targets at 50m, 60m, and 70m.
Please READ and then FILL OUT THE FORMS BELOW. Thanks!
First of all, I´d like to thank all of you who are contributing and supporting us in these unexpected times. Your support is vital, and we appreciate it very much. Have fun out there on the field - and much success!
Coach Racae
These Outdoor Target Archery recreational classes prepare you to shoot at longer and longer distances until you reach your USA Archery tournament distance (see below), while learning the National Training System, which is the most highly researched biomechanical method of shooting taught out at the Olympic Training Center. You will be shooting with other archers in group sessions with coaching, so you can all learn together and from each other.
Some archery experience and your own recurve archery equipment is required.
OPEN TO ADULTS / JUNIORS / PARENTS (with experience and own recurve archery equipment)
The archer and a maximum of one spectator will be allowed on the field until further notice or approved by Coach Racae.
Space will be limited to a maximum of 10 archers per session or in accordance with CDC Guidelines.
Register for as many or as few sessions as you like whenever there is space in the session. When there are no spaces left, it will indicate "FULL" for that class on, so make sure to check availability before submitting your registration dates.
- You´ll shoot one or two warm-up practice ends (6-12 arrows) to get the feel of your bow, remind yourself of your positions and goals, and set your aiming point/sight.
- The Instructor/Coach will briefly explain the one or two positions that you are to focus on during each class of that week.
- You´ll shoot 30-80 arrows in 3-arrow or 6-arrow ends, depending on your strength, endurance, and experience.
- You´ll receive individualized coaching, helping you to understand, and achieve the NTS positions.
- The Instructor/Coach will emphasize different aspects of mental strength training (focus, distractions, positivity, etc.) each week.
- ¨Unfair Game¨ or ¨Summer Game¨ during the last 10 minutes of the session, is when you really try your best, while laughing a lot !
- Strength-building exercises will occasionally be included and demonstrated.
Scoring is optional, except during Master Challenge weeks (see calendar).
DATES: Start Dates: MAY 15 (Adults) or JUNE 12 (Juniors 10+)
Ending Date: AUGUST 14
OUTDOOR FIELD SOUTH: 2310 Bliss Spillar Road, Manchaca, TX 78652
(Directions: Even though it´s a Manchaca address, it´s only about 5 minutes from the indoor range.)
Option 1: Drive south to the end of Brodie, turn right onto 1626, and then right on Bliss Spillar Road, or
Option 2: Drive south on Mopac to 45, turn left onto 45, left on 1626, and left on Bliss Spillar Road.
The archery field is in the back right corner of the soccer fields across the street from the Marbridge Foundation entrance. (Look for the AWSL sign and drive in entrance gate, which should be open during class times.)
MAILING: Archery Training Center, Inc., PO Box 93216, Austin, TX 78709
archerytrainingcenteraustin@gmail.comPHONE/TEXT: 512 975 1850
CAPACITY: 10 archers per class or in accordance with CDC guidelines
AGES: 10 - 80+ years old (See start dates above)
DISTANCES: 9m, 13.5m, 18m, 20m-70m
BOWS: Recurves
(If you are not a recurve archer, but would like to learn to shoot a recurve bow, please stay tuned to our Instagram for announcements of the re-opening of our in-person First-time Classes, or register online for a few Virtual NTS Form classes with Coach Racae.)
These classes are for archers who have their own equipment, consisting of at least a recurve bow, 12 aluminum or carbon arrows, armguard, finger tab and hip or field quiver. (If you need to change your equipment or order your own, please contact Coach Racae at She will specify what you´ll need and help you order it, so you buy the correct equipment for your strength and experience.)
Classes are coached by Instructor Ted Aanstoos.
These are the days/times that are available to you. (Additional sessions will be added in future.)
SAT: 9:00-10:30 am
WED: 9:00-10:30 am
Please check before registering!
The outdoor range is closed, gates locked, and targets stored away except during the above class times.
This enrollment form must be completed and your payment received in order for you to be enrolled and a place reserved for you. You can enroll any time during the summer for as many or as few classes as you like as long as there are places open. Your name will be on under the date and time you registered after we receive your registration and fee in advance of the class.
So, for example, you can enroll for the entire summer, each month, or sprinkle the days throughout the summer depending on your schedule. (Please bear in mind, however, you'll progress faster with regular attendance.)
If you notice that the class is reaching capacity, you should register and pay for at least one class in advance to guarantee you have a place next time. You can see the actual attendance by looking at past classes on If the class is "FULL", it will be so indicated on the calendar.
You cannot just drop in, because the number of archers on the shooting line is limited and we are observing CDC guidelines with social distancing.
Recreational archers have no attendance requirements, but we would recommend attending at least twice a week to improve faster.
Archers need to practice in all weather, except when there is lightning, so classes will usually be held in wind. Due to the condition of the parking area, we will not be holding classes in the rain. If you have paid for a rain day, your fee will be moved forward to the next scheduled class on the same day of the week.
If you have experience shooting at a certain distance, you will be placed at that distance until you shoot the score needed to advance to a longer distance.
Please note that mastering NTS positions relevant to each level will also be required in order to advance to the next level. Advancement will no longer be based on scores alone.
Here is the progression for those with little experience:
o Start at 9m in Outdoor 2 until you score 230 pts (adults) on the 40cm target face or 240 pts on the 60cm target face (JOADs under 14)
o Move to 13.5m in Outdoor 3 until you score 230 pts (adults) on the 40cm target face or 240 pts on the 60cm target face (JOADs under 14)
o Move to 18m in Outdoor 4 until you score 200 pts. twice on your target face
o Move to 20m in Outdoor 5 until you score 320 pts. on the 122cm target face
o Move to 30m in Outdoor 6 until you score 320 pts. on the 122cm target face
o Move to 40m in Outdoor 7 until you score 320 pts. on the 122cm target face
o Move to 50m in Outdoor 8 until you score 320 pts. on the 122cm target face
o Move to 60m in Outdoor 9 until you score 320 pts. on the 122cm target face
o Move to 70m in Outdoor 10 until you score 320 pts. on the 122cm target face
There are no refunds or credits for paid classes missed during the summer, except in the case of injury, long-term illness, unforeseen move out of the Austin area, or being expelled for a safety violation. Substitutions or credits will be applied if we cancel a class due to weather conditions or instructor illness.
24-HR NOTICE: If you let us know within 24 hours of the class that you will miss the class, you can substitute another class and use your fee as long as there are places left in that class during the semester. If you notify us less than 24 hours in advance of the class that you will need to cancel (except for sudden illness), or you do a "no-show", you'll forfeit your fee.
ILLNESS or INJURY: In the case of physical injury or long-term illness, we require a doctor's note saying that you are unable to practice archery, and then a doctor's note saying that you are again fit to return to archery, before you will be allowed back in class or a refund/credit issued.
All fees are payable in advance of the class to secure your place in the class.
$30/archer for each 1.5-hr training session OR
$115/calendar month (for 1 training session/week) OR
$213/calendar month (for 2 training sessions/week)
+ Enrollment fee: $20 (always due once per semester)
Determine the frequency and number of sessions you will shoot and the associated fees (see above).
Add the $20 semester enrollment fee.
We accept checks or payment at
Make your check payable to "Archery Training Center, Inc." and mail it to us at:
Archery Training Center, Inc., PO Box 93216, Austin, TX 78709-3216
Membership in USA Archery is now REQUIRED to participate in JOAD and Adult Training.
You can attend 2 sessions before joining USAA, but then we'll need to see your membership card BEFORE WE CAN HAND OUT ANY USA ARCHERY STAR PINS to you during Master Challenge Weeks!
If you would like to see the benefits of USAA membership: USA ARCHERY: SPORTS:
PARENTS PLEASE NOTE: We are part of the US Olympic Committee's Safe Sport program, so we minimally require one other adult besides the instructor to be present at all times. Please plan to stay with your child or take turns with other parents staying whenever necessary to fulfill this requirement. THANKS!
Before we add your name to those shooting in the class, please read and sign the documents linked in the registration form below.
We do not at this time require archers to be vaccinated, but we would like to know if you have been, so we can take it into consideration when deciding on issues such as when we should all wear masks and observe social distancing, while abiding by the CDC Guidelines. All our instructors have been fully vaccinated of their own accord.
Masks are to be worn by all participants at all times, except when shooting on the shooting line.
Please stay 6 ft. apart during the class, and if you touch anything besides your own equipment, make sure to clean it off with antiseptic wipes that you bring with you for that purpose.
E-mail us at or
Call/Text us at 512 975 1850
*NTS = National Training System (which is used for training the USA Olympic team!)
*JDT = Junior Dream Team (top 20 Junior archers in the USA!)
*JOAD = Junior Olympic Archery Development
PLEASE NOTE: Times and dates may change. If so, you will be notified by email/text if you have previously registered.