Eastern Oregon University Innovation Challenge 2021
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Team Name
Primary Contact Information
First and Last Name *
College or University *
Phone Number *
Email *
Team Members Contact Information
Include the following information for all your team members : First and Last  Name, College or University, Phone Number, Email Address.

Teams must consist of one or more people. At least one team member must be directly affiliated with an Oregon college or university as described on the rules section of the competition at https://www.inventoregon.org/rules-eligibility. We recommend that teams consist of one technical and one business lead.

What is the specific problem you seek to solve? Limit response to 150 words. *
How does your concept solve that problem? Limit response to 150 words. *
What is the market for the proposed solution? (Please be as specific as possible. Who will buy your product or service?) Limit response to 150 words. *
If selected as a semi-finalist, how specifically will your team use the development grant*? How much do you think you can accomplish in 90 days? (*If selected your team will receive $500 to develop a pre-prototype. If you team advances to the finals, your team will receive an additional $2,000). Limit response to 150 words. *
If your concept was adopted at scale, what is the potential broad, long-term impact? Limit response to 150 words. *
Please provide brief (no longer than one paragraph) bios for each team member. Limit response to 150 words. *
Optional Supplemental Materials
If you have any drawings, models, mockups, etc., email them to XXX for consideration with your application.
Optional Supplemental Video
If you would like to create a 1-2 minute video describing your concept, please feel free to include the YouTube link below for consideration with your application.
Please confirm that, if selected, that we require (non-negotiable) that at least one team member will attend InventOR the virtual Bootcamp and semifinals June 26 in Portland, Oregon. All advancing finalist teams will also be required to attend InventOR finals September17-18 in Medford, Oregon.
Initials here for each team member. *
I acknowledge that I and every team member read and agree to abide by the rules and eligibility requirements as described at https://www.inventoregon.org/rules-eligibility.
Initials Here *
I authorize Portland State University (University) and InventOR to: (a) Record my likeness and voice on a video, audio, photographic, digital, electronic or any other medium.(b) Use my name in connection with these recordings.(c) Use, reproduce, exhibit or distribute to any person and in any medium (including. print publications, videotapes, CD-ROM, University webpage, and other internet postings such as YouTube, Flickr, etc.) these recordings for any purpose that the University deems appropriate, including promotional or advertising efforts. I release the State of Oregon and the University and those acting pursuant to its authority from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary right I may have in connection with such use. I understand that all such recordings, in whatever medium, shall remain the property of the University. This release will remain in effect unless and until revoked by me in writing and delivered to the University. I have read and fully understand the terms of this release.
Initials Here *
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