DealsZO Feedback Form
Fill out this survey and we will reach out to you to get your feedback.

Your satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we constantly strive to provide you with the best experience possible. We greatly value your feedback as it helps us understand how we can improve and better serve you.
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1. What is your name?
2. Your contact number?
We would love to go on a quick 10 minute call to get your feedback on what can be improved.1. What is your name?
3. Your email ID?
We know you have a busy schedule to go no a call, how about getting in touch over email instead?
4. How well do our coupons work for you?
Bingo! Almost Every Time
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5. Do you find it easy to get the best coupons on  DealsZo?
Works Instantly
Too many attempts required
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6. How many coupons do you try before you find the best one?
Works Instantly
Too many attempts required
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7. How do you rate  DealsZo compared to other coupons websites?
Need Improvement
Exceeds Expectations
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8. How did you explore about DealsZo?
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