Блиц-тест на владение английским языком.
Тест состоит из 10-ти вопросов. Вам необходимо заполнить пропуски, выбрав правильный ответ. В каждом вопросе может быть только один правильный вариант
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Can you hear what he is .......? *
1 point
She hasn't come home ........
1 point
I ....... TV yesterday evening.
1 point
She looks ....... a famous film star.
1 point
I want you to tell me the ....... truth.
1 point
Some people only read the ....... lines in a newspaper.
1 point
The boss was good enough to ....... my mistake.
1 point
At the end of the speech the whole assembly gave the speakers a standing ........
1 point
When the building was completed, all the workers were paid ........
1 point
Did they ______ the dogs last night?
1 point
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