Scituate MA Start School Later Petition
Please sign your name on this petition to show your support of starting Scituate’s Middle and High Schools later.  IMPORTANT: Please remember to click "Submit" at bottom to make sure we receive your response, thank you!
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Scituate is looking into the possibility of starting Middle and High Schools at a later time so that school schedules would correspond better to children’s sleep cycles.  The recommendations are unanimous among medical organizations (Association of American Pediatrics, Center for Disease Control, American Medical Association, etc): Middle and High School students should start after 8:30am for the health of students.  Currently Scituate Middle School starts at 7:35am and the High School starts at 8:10am.

Proven benefits are seen when teenagers are allowed to sleep past 7:30/8am, including:
- Improved academic performance and the likelihood of future success
- Improved alertness, memory and cognitive processing skills
- Reduced depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts and behaviors
- Improved athletic performance and help prevent sports-related injuries
- Reduced risk of obesity, eating disorders and diabetes
- Improved health, mood and immunity

For more information please visit Start School Later Scituate MA on Facebook: or the national nonprofit's website at 

No information from this petition will be sold or used for anything other than informational purposes in sharing with SPS School Committee and Administration.  
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