Community Creativity, Arts, & Culture Survey 
We want to hear from you! 

The CenterArts Community Committee, a group of local arts and culture advocateswould like your input to understand how to best meet the needs of our community and create a positive impact through creativity, arts, and culture. 

By taking this survey, you are helping to ensure that programs and services that you and your family want have a place in Brevard County.

Thank you for your help!  

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Brevard County is home to many. How much time do you spend here?
What is the ZIP code of your primary residence? *
What is your age? *
What is your gender identity? *
Please describe the race/ethnicity you identify with. *
How much do you believe a cultural arts venue would contribute to the quality of life available in Brevard County? *
Not at all
A great deal
What would most draw you and your family to visit the arts center? Choose all that apply. *
How far are you likely to travel to attend or participate in an art/cultural event or activity? *
What kinds of PERFORMING ARTS programs, events, and activities in the Brevard County area would you enjoy? Please select all that apply. *
What kinds of VISUAL ARTS programs, events, and activities in the Brevard area would you enjoy? Please select all that apply. *
What kinds of APPLIED ARTS programs, events, and activities in the Brevard area would you enjoy? Please select all that apply. *
What kinds of LITERARY ARTS programs, events and activities in the Brevard area would you enjoy? Please select all that apply. *
What kind of MEDIA programs, events, and activities in the Brevard area would you enjoy? Please select all that apply. *
Which of the following art activities have you participated in or attended in the last two years? Please select all that apply. *
We'd love to hear what you think our community needs. Please leave any additional comments below.
Would you like to be involved in any follow-up discussions from the survey results? If yes, please provide an email address below. (Email will only be used for survey follow-up, and will not be shared)
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