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Home Learning during Covid 19
85 responses
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How many primary age children do you have  learning at home?
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Have you been able to access our school website, Extended Closure, section?
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How many workstations do you have available? laptop, desktop, tablet, etc
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Do you have access to the internet?
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If yes, is your connection strong enough to support Home Learning?
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Which of the following online tools have you used to assist home learning?
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How would you rate the online services provided to you? (1-Poor  5-Excellent)
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How many hours per week is your child spending on school work?
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Do you think this is?
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Are you receiving enough support from school regarding home learning?
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Is there anything else you feel we should be doing?
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How are your children coping with the sudden change in life?
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Are they still in contact with their friends?
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If there are any other comments you wish to make in regard to communication with school during this extended closure please add below.
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