Volunteer Application for the Brighton Future Forward (BFF) Youth Programs at Faneuil Gardens and Commonwealth: Summer 2023
Please complete this application if you are interested in volunteering and/or working for the Brighton Future Forward (BFF) Youth Programs at Faneuil Gardens or Commonwealth Development. The program will begin July 18 and will run weekly during the 2022-2023! Program hours: Tuesday through Thursday from 10a - 3p 
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Email *
How did you hear about this opportunity? *
First and Last Name *
Preferred Name
Phone Number *
Email *
Select as many as you're interested in. *
If you selected "Leading a workshop" or "Other", please include more information as to what you would like to contribute.
If you will be volunteering as a member of an organization, please provide the name of the group, class, and/or organization. 
Which site are you interested in volunteering and/or working? *
Please indicate which days you'd be available. *
We require a background check from potential volunteers as they will be working with children. However, ABCDC will not receive any personal information about applicants from their background checks, only whether or not they have passed. Would you consent to a background check prior to volunteering? *
We meet virtually with all volunteers and/or potential staff to review program handbook/guidelines and expectations. It should take no more than 30 minutes of your time. Is this something you can do prior to committing your time to the program?
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