CATCH Conversations Interest Form
Do you have a child whose mental health struggles are impacting you and your family? CATCH Conversations is a program we are offering parents who are in search of support for themselves. It is a great place to start. A volunteer from CATCH will reach out to schedule a time to talk, meet for a cup of coffee, or go for a walk to give you a chance to share what is going on and learn how CATCH can support you. Please complete the brief form below.
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Last Name: *
First Name: *
Email: *
Phone Number: *
Age of child who is struggling: *
Is there anything else you'd like us to know in advance of the conversation?
I understand that I will meet with a caring CATCH volunteer, not a clinical professional. I acknowledge that any advice or information shared with me is based on personal experience and is the perspective of a fellow parent and does not constitute medical advice. *
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