Judge Sign Up - Charlotte Craft Beer Week Home Brew Competition.
Charlotte Craft Beer Week is looking for professional beer industry folks to help judge our first beer week home brew competition. In an effort to connect the competition to beer week, we are looking for professional brewery workers and/or those within the brewing/fermentation industry to judge only.

Judging Date: Saturday Oct 14th
Two Time Slots: 8:45-11am and 11:45am - 2pm
Location: Brewers at 4001 Yancey 

Free Continental Breakfast and Afternoon Appetizers for Judges
Free Beer For Judges to enjoy afterwards. 

Please considering donating your time and skills to this event. We couldn't make Charlotte Craft Beer Week, and it's events, awesome without people like you!
What is your name? *
Where do you work and what is your position? *
Contact Email *
Which session would you like to work? *
Do you have any allergies? *
BCJP member # (optional)
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